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Brad Ripa

Areas of Expertise: 

Air Permitting, Compliance Strategy, Emission Reporting, and SPCC

Representative Industries:

Oil Refining & Chemical, Petroleum Storage, Food and Beverage Industries, Aviation, and Paper Products

Environmental Management

Office: 281-806-5828

Certifications and Trade Associations:

Engineer-In-Training Certificate No. 159998,
CARB accredited Verifier, Low Carbon Fuel Standard program
CARB accredited Lead Verifier, AB32 Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation


B.S. Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University


Victoria, Texas

Personal Interest:

I enjoy sports including tennis, basketball, and soccer. I also enjoy the outdoors; hiking, camping, and backpacking.

Brad is an environmental engineer with direct experience in providing environmental management and technical consulting services to a broad spectrum of industrial and commercial clients in California, Texas and across the United States. His project experience includes greenhouse gas (GHG) and low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) verifications, on-site environmental management of air quality and hazardous materials compliance programs, regulatory compliance analysis/auditing, on-site and remote air quality and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan auditing, air quality permitting in attainment and non-attainment areas including control technology selection, toxic air contaminant health impact analyses, emissions offsetting, Title V certification and compliance and reporting, preparation of criteria and air toxic emissions inventories, SPCC plans, Form R reporting, development and execution of customized environmental management systems, and agency notifications.

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