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Lisa Kiehl

Areas of Expertise: 

Air Permitting/Compliance, Environmental Management/Advocacy, Hazardous Waste

Representative Industries:

Non-Metallic Mineral Processing, Oil & Gas Production, Marine Transport, Power Cable Manufacturing

Environmental Management

Office: 805-705-7601

Certifications and Trade Associations:

CARB accredited Lead Verifier, Low Carbon Fuel Standard program
CARB accredited Lead Verifier, AB32 Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation
Oregon Clean Fuels Program Lead Verifier: Fuel Pathway Applications, Fuel Pathway Reports, CFP Quarterly Reports
CASQA Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practictioner (QISP)

California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA)


B.S. Environmental Science and Toxicology, Western Washington University
M.S. Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara


Bothell, WA

Personal Interest:

I enjoy spending time with my family, camping and backpacking, and working in the garden. Favorite pastimes include swimming, biking, and running (in that order).

Lisa has over eighteen years of experience with regulatory compliance, permitting and reporting in the fields of water quality and air quality. This experience includes stormwater permitting (SWPPP), air quality permitting (local district new source review, Title V, RECLAIM), and reporting and verification under the California AB-32 program. Her technical expertise to support these efforts includes environmental compliance analysis under local, state and federal air regulations, air quality permitting (NSR, NSPS/NESHAP/MACT, and Title V) applicability analysis, emission reduction credit assessment, verification under the greenhouse gas (GHG) and Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) programs, preparation of AB2588 Hot Spot plans and reports, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), and stormwater permitting assistance. Lisa is accredited by the California Air Resources Board as a Lead Verifier under the AB32 greenhouse gas inventory program and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program.

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